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 Held within your body is your lived experiencing. These experiences are not always able to be expressed through language that is spoken. Existing is an opportunity to explore what is felt and held within, through expressive & creative arts making and exploring. Challenging the ways you know, to find new and compassionate ways of being in the world. 

Currently, a VIT registered and recently practicing secondary school teacher, I regularly engage with young people navigating a world of conflicting values, needs and expectations. Students can struggle to articulale their experiences, in ways that are understood by themselves and others. Through developing relationships, accepting students as they are, enables open and trusted communication and understanding of what is valued by them.


Using The MIECAT Institute's form of inquiry to cycle through a series of  arts making experiences, using a sense of curiosity to come to know and understand the choices made and behaviours used. The therapeutic arts provide opportunities for exploration of moments in our lives, using arts making materials, mediums and forms for expression and representation. 

Professional Memberships


Registered Art Therapist


Victorian Institute of Teaching

Police check

Working with children


© 2019 Karryne Hearn Therapeutic Art Services

ABN 44 897 041 699

M +61 0409 576 720

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